I love reading books! Dis one is my fevrit!

Last time we had one black out,my friends Javier
and Jamon came and we stayed at my house.

Javier and Jamon making monster faces.

"Mummy, I want to pee pee!"

My friends and me at the beach.
We made one small fire and ate popcorn.

Aunty Jin Jin and me looking for
da snake at Napatana

"I tink I saw da snake deya......Eeeeee I'm scared!

When I'm not running,I like to climb everything!

Rosita is like a big sista to me.
She's one of my best friends!

Powder fight!!!

Arghhh!!!Don't tickle me!

"Mummy,don't force! I don't want to laugh!

Sometimes, I wear my mummy's crazy socks
and go sliding all over da floor!
I look like Big Birdie on Sesame Street!

Aunty Lucy is my new baby-sitter,
she looks after me and I really like her.

Mummy, you how?
You went to town and where's my supwise?

"Don't disturb me! I'm very busy in my office!"
1 comment:
Greetings from Adelaide on a Friday night. What a buzz, finding your blog! And yes- altho its fantastic reading your stories and seeing the photos of you, of gorgeous K-M, & your lovely location, now we miss you even more! It feels like yesterday, but also such a long time ago. Hey- your Mothers Day 2007 sounds great- certainly more fun than I had! Maybe I shud visit for m/d 2008...Now THERE"S an idea! Jules sends love. he's just raced out of the door as fri night is Blackwood CFS training. Remember when he used to dress up as fireman sam, well now.. It's all happening. Em nau. You have all these delights in front of you..
Lots of hugs and love MAxi, to you and tickles and tricks and hugs for K-M.
Elaine, Julian and Jack too
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